Love+Blessed Box Review and Giveaway


We’ve all seen how popular subscription boxes have become in the last year, boxes for your pet, for shaving, for shopping, for all your nerdy needs (I’m referring to me on that one!) this box is similar to those subscriptions but at the same time very different. The Love+Blessed Subscription boxes allow you to receive a box a month, each themed and fully of items to inspire, encourage and help you on your walk with God.

The box theme I received was Beauty, in it there was a mini poster, reminder sticker, scripture card (with one of my favorite verses, 1 Peter 3:3-4), a theme sticker, bracelet, compact mirror, and a prayer journal. Also attached to the lid is a bit of encouragement that reminds you that you are beautiful.

This box is like any other, with a new theme they are sure to encourage and inspire each month, these boxes also make an awesome gift, if you are curious about what other boxes contain you can do what I did and check them out on Instagram! These are a great idea and an awesome way to encourage you each month!


Love+Blessed is giving away an entire year of encouragement! That is 12 free boxes! Enter here:



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I received the Love+Blessed Box complimentary in exchange for an honest review, all thoughts and opinions are my own.